Please see our photos for more information about the item. If you need more information about the item please send a message. Photos are of the exact item you receiving with the occasional exception of items that have multiple quantity. Please make sure you take a look before you buy. Shipped secure with 1 business day handling. If you have questions about the item or special packing/shipping needs please contact us before placing your order so we can make sure we get all the right boxes checked. Vintage Cuisinart Serving Fork 11-Inch Long White Kitchen Tool Cuisinart Fork Cuisinart Spoons, Forks, Ladles N/A # .Thank you for supporting small business! tgw-pl::=::D83 B2 EA1231:=:Cuisinart Serving Fork 11-Inch Long White Kitchen Tool:=:tgw202007171853508:=:44739:=:tgw202007171853508